If you haven't been to Dr. Trindade's Wellness retreat in the Azores, there are countless reasons to go. I'll just name a few:
1: It's on the The Sacred Island of Sao Jorge
It is a special place in my heart and a sacred sanctuary. Its climate is temperate, and its energy, peaceful and tranquil. It is also the home to crystalline and calm seas, sun bathed beaches, healing natural pools, trails for long walks, lush landscapes and beautiful volcanic rocks.
- Personalized health assessment using functional medicine principles
- Detoxification and Natural, healthy cleansing diet
- Nutritious and organic cuisine produced by sustainable agriculture
- Consciousness raising daily exercises
- Guided Meditation
- Visualization exercises
- Guided Walking Nature Tours
- Exposure to the local culture
- Hiking to cleansing salt and fresh waters
- Venturing to healing vortices
3. It's simply life changing.

3 cups corn flour
1 cup flax
1 Cup rice flour (#bobsmillglutenfreeflour is great)
1/2 corn starch (arrowroot works great)
1/2 packet yeast
Pinch of salt
Water (2 1/2 -3 cups) enough to mix and not be soggy
Combine dry ingredients. Add water, a little at a time, to incorporate ingredients until lightly sticky but not soggy. Let dough ball rise for at least 1 hour. Once risen, pull apart roll size balls and bake at 370 for 15 -18 min. Spread olive oil on top last 2-3 min Enjoy!